
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Viking Trail

After another night of people caring on until after 1am in a campsite that is supposed to have a 10pm quiet time, we were woken up around 4am to an amazing light show, preceded by a base melody of thunder. As the summer opus ramped up, lights could be seen through our top vent and through closed eyelids as the percussion got closer and louder. Thinking that this melody couldn't get any better,  the claps were so close it shook the camper and then thunder cymbals on the roof of the camper as the  climax of the amazing mother's natures demonstration. It absolutely poured until about 7:30 in the morning.

After crawling out of bed and downing to 2 large mugs of coffee, today's decision was which way to drive to avoid being part of last night's production... Decision called, we are heading north up to the north west coast on the Viking Trail. Packed up, on the road...

Apparently, we trailed behind the tail edge of the storm and witnessed downpours at the base of some mountains while travelling through Grose Morne National Park. Stopped in Cow Head and had a Moose burger. The cafe proprietor and her husband shot the moose themselves the previous hunting season. Very tender tasty burger.

Carried on up to St Barbe. Weather was clearing by this time and thought it may be a good idea to take the ferry over to Labrador before the next wave of rain shuttles in. Ticket office lady says that the boat is in and leaves back to the other coast in an hour. Decision made...  Needless to say, we are touring about 160kms of the coast of Labrador and Quebec..

It appears this area is very flat

Grose Morne, rain in the distance

Cow Head peninsula

Swedish boat to Quebec and Labrador

Ferry arrived in Blanc-Salon, Quebec. A short drive to Labrador. Totally fogged in! Hope we can see something tomorrow?

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