
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sappy Day

Skies threatening in the morning with the odd sprinkle so we spent the morning catching up on things. Ventured out into Sherbrooke and no sooner than getting gas and the skies opened up. Saw a church with a covered entrance, bee lined it for cover. Paster waved us in. Chatted with him until the rain shower past and low and behold, he was stationed in Chilliwack with the military in the 70s.

Skies brightened so we went to purchase Maple Syrup from a local farmer in Fitch Bay. Christine's grandparents lived in Fitch Bay. Gorgeous countryside, rolling hills, speckled with small dairy farms of about 100-300 head, beautiful lakes, good pavement, just down right nice riding.

Found the farm Christine had wanted the syrup from and the farmer allowed us to drive through the fields to view the sugar shack area. Then back to the farm house to purchase. Very cool!

Suger Shack and clarifier building

hoses between the trees that you read about

Tree with tap taken out, only tapped in the early spring

Clarifier that renders sap down to make Maple syrup

A case in the trunk

View from near sugar shack

Lac Lovering

More riding, more sights, gorgeous area, we rode down to the border and onto a rode that is half in Vermont and half in Canada, called Rue Canusa. Go figure. USA houses had driveways onto this road. The town looks very casual and quaint.

Famous house with a "witch weather vane

Closer look reveals a crow on chimney. How fitting

I liked the pic

Covered bridge at the narrows of Fitch Bay
 and Lac Memphremagog