
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Rideau Canal

Told you in an earlier post that we like canals. Ventured out this morning to the nearby Kingston Mill locks, the first of 47 locks on the Rideau Canal System spanning 207 Kilometres. Thought we would be there for a few minutes, but were we wrong. As we travel east everything gets older and these locks and canal system are no different. Built between 1832-1835. The locks are kept in good working order and are manned for the season. Used by recreational boaters, all the locks are manually operated original equipment. Originally built after the 1812 war with the United States, this canal system was designed as a way to access the Great Lakes from the St Laurence River in the event of another invasion.

Yours truly helping to open a lock gate.

First lock in the system, last lock, going downstream

Cataraqui River flowing to Kingston and St Lawrence River

After lunch, rode the 1000 Islands Parkway and back. Nice roads, lots of history, but not very good pics for posting.
1000 Islands Tower

St Lawrence River