
Friday, May 20, 2016

Laundry DAY

This campground is supposed to have laundry facilities, but when we went to find out where it was, the door was locked, further inquiry revealed that it was closed for renovations.  Further inquiry revealed that Wakaw's only laundromat was also closed for renovations. Further inquiry at the gatehouse suggested Cudworth, a little town 16kms south of Wakaw, had a laundromat.  Loaded up our laundry into the saddle bags and off we go in search or laundry services. Beautiful drive down the road over the rolling hills, across sloughs to Cudworth. At the address of the washing facility, renovations were underway making it into a residence.

Back up the road, north to Prince Albert. After an hours drive, over hills, across sloughs, over broken heaved payment around gravel spots in desperate need of repairs, we arrived in PA. Stopped at the Info centre and while being helped by one of the employees, a nice young gentleman says he knows of a laundromat nearby and to follow him. Got to our destination and it was a dry cleaner. Onto the cellphone and found out that his help diverted us from a nearby laundromat, so he left us and we backtracked. Laundry done while conversing wth a colourful local. Then 2 hours later, back down our bumpy humpy gravel speckled road to Wakaw.

Museum was supposed to be open according to the sign. It Wasn't, but there were names and phone #s so we call Darleen. She came down and gave us a personal tour. Very nice lady, we really appreciated the time spent with her. Learnt a little more of the town my family grew up in.

Got to the campsite gate and the "female dog" wouldn't let us through. She informed us that each vehicle needs to have a park pass. Apparently, our truck is one and motorcycle is another. Made us pay $9 to get the bike back into the park, then she informs us that  we should switch our 1 day pass (just purchased) with our $45 Annual pass that we purchased on the first day. Would not let us go get the truck pass though...

Went back into town to the chinese restaurant for dinner with Garrick and April. April and her family live 30 minutes north of here near the little town of Hoey, down a 5 mile gravel road, on acreage. Nice visit.

Back to the camp with park pass in hand to have the bitch lift the gate for us. Then I try to set up WIFI. You have to pay for WIFI at the camp also. Paid $6.95 +tax and the WIFI has a worse connection than any connection we had in Bolivia, 5 years ago. This province is nickel and dining us. Not impressed.