
Friday, August 12, 2016

Signal Hill, Terry Fox, Quidi Vidi, Cape Spear

Out to Signal Hill this morning. Very lucky to have a high overcast day because St Johns has the least sunshine in Canada and maybe North America. Perfect temperature to view the exhibits and walk the trails. People saw whales breaching. Signal Hill was conquered many times by the French and English in the 1600 and 1700s. Very strategic point for the warring Europeans as it has an incredible view of the ocean. Marconi also set up a receiver here and made history by receiving the first Transatlantic radio signal in 1901.

People watched for boats and relayed who was arriving in harbour using flags

From the top of Cabot Tower overlooking St Johns

St Johns Harbour from Signal Hill

Some of the remaining guns aimed towards Cape Spear on the far point.

Heard the Noon Gun while visiting a Newfie with a Newfie.
Newfies were mascots for the Newfoundland Regiments.

Down the hill to Mile 0 of the Marathon of Hope. Terry Fox's memorial.

Loved this building, nearby Mile 0

Water Street, the oldest street in North America

On the bike again to Quidi Vidi Harbour. Has the oldest Micro Brewery in the Province and one of its beers uses Iceberg water in its recipe. Had a talk and tour of the brewery.

Quidi Vidi Harbour

Another angle with the Brewery

Might take a while, but I think I can

Quidi Vidi's recent advertising campaign.
Note the bottom caption...
"Results may very"

Onto our last stop of the day! Cape Spear, the furtherest East point of land in North America!  Walked the trails and visited the World War 2 gun Batteries placed here.

Cape Spear Lighthouse, Still operational with the original Fresnel Lens

Noting Newfoundland's oldest operating lighthouse

Very Surreal knowing that we have gone as far east in North America as one can travel! From here we are heading west and coming home.....

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